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Mexicali - Carril Vehicular Sentri

: México
: Mexicali, Baja California
: 2010
: RoadCem

Mexicali is located in the northwest of the Mexicali Valley in the border of México with the United States of America. The project line consisted in the construction of a second Sentri line en the Poe ¨Nuevo Mexicali¨, of more than a one kilometer of long in order to make faster the border cross to the United Stated of America. The construction works of this vehicular line didn´t affect the transit dynamic of the Mexicali City or the border cross. This Sentri line was built in the reserve line that has planned to expand the infrastructure. In this work the labors was coordinated between the north American authorities and the Mexican federal and local authorities,  because this is the first faster cross line in the Poe ¨Nuevo Mexicali¨, so, this allows to relieve the line demands to make it faster the vehicular traffic. By this extreme left line of the new Poe it could access to the four lines to USA. Because of the excellent characteristics of RoadCem the SCT (Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes) prescribed PCT products in this project, due the faster building methods this allows the use of this new line in a few days without an affectation of the vehicular transit in the other lines.

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