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Innovations for better solutions!


Kakwa - LowFootprintRoads

: Canada
: Kakwa, Alberta
: 2010
: RoadCem
Project size
: 6.2 km +43,000 m2 stabilization of access road

Although often misrepresented as environmentally irresponsible, the oil and gas industry in Canada actually operates within very rigorous environment first guidelines. Two critical priorities are wildlife habitat maintenance and final reclamation responsibility to return depleted play areas to original or better usage. These priorities are not just empty platitudes, they are strictly defined and enforced in a way which forces many oil and gas companies to develop non-intrusive methods to conduct their exploration and production of conventional oil and gas reserves.


Nowhere is this more evident than in some of Alberta’s Caribou Management Areas which seek to minimize the direct and indirect effects of all types of industrial activities by mandating a minimization of the size, distribution, amount, standard, and duration of linear corridors. Activity is banned during the calving season from April 15th thru June 15th each year and only narrow right of way corridors are allowed. The narrow 10m wide right of way makes it difficult to build a strong road with standard construction methods, especially when large borrow pits with better clay and thicker lifts of gravel are being discouraged by the government

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